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Training & Skills Development

Empowerment to achieve desired outcomes

Planning to succeed

Bringing team skill sets up to date is crucial for planning successful outcomes as it ensures that the team possesses the necessary knowledge and expertise to adapt to evolving challenges and leverage the latest tools and techniques effectively.

Putting skills and knowledge to work

No two systems, processes or data are exactly the same. Yet, getting everything to work in sync is what drives effective risk management and AML compliance.

Skills Development

In order for teams to embark on addressing projects or other challenges, internal work teams often need to bring their knowledge and skills up to date. This is especially true in a constantly changing financial services environment where regulations and competitors are in a perpetual state of change. Technology and customer needs are evolving and it is essential to get everyone in your organization on the same page. Sometimes this means deep learning on specific and complex topics, and sometimes it just means educating senior managers and decision-makers on current trends and topics.

Oxonia works with you and your organization to first assess the current level of understanding within a specific subject area, and then works with you to develop training based on targets and expected outcomes. The outcomes are very often aligned with action your organization has been asked to take by senior management or by regulators to address critical issues or initiatives. Training can be delivered through a number of means with the support of technology advances, and thus can be onsite, hosted, self-paced, individualized, group learning, and more. Oxonia works with your needs to determine the best training program and means for delivery, tailored to your objectives.

Bringing it all together

From strategic initiatives to tactical implementation, Oxonia is committed to helping you tackle your compliance and risk challenges. Close the gap between what is needed and getting the project done.